School transport post 16 in England Transport to and from school or college for disabled young people is in the news at the moment – with many councils cutting services to save money. Young people’s transport needs may be reassessed at 16 and travel arrangements may change, even when students stay on at the same school. Please tell us more Contact want to find out how many disabled young people are affected by changes or cuts to their transport to and from education once they turn 16. Please answer the following questions to help our campaign (remember to press SUBMIT at the end). How old is your disabled child? Under 16 16 17 18 19 20 and over Did your child’s school/college transport change after they turned 16 (or will they change at 16)? Please select Yes No Not Sure Did this change have a negative impact on your child and your family? Please select Yes No Not sure Please tell us more about this impact? Enter your details First Name Last Name Postcode Email Address Keep in touch We would like to send you news & updates about things you'll find useful. We promise to look after your details in accordance with our data protection policy. Please tell us what you'd like to receive Information & advice for parent carers Yes No Updates on our campaigns Yes No Fundraising updates Yes No How would you like us to contact you? You must opt into our emails to receive any of our e-newsletters. By email Yes No SUBMIT