Social care consultation events Contact and the Disabled Children’s Partnership are helping the Law Commission recruit parent carers to three discussion groups. Parent carers who attend will be invited to share views on the Law Commission’s proposals for reforming social care law for disabled children in England. The Law Commission have published a consultation paper asking people to tell them about their experiences of the current system and setting out their provisional proposals on how it could be improved. These groups will be an opportunity to say what you think about the proposals. Each group will comprise of eight parents and run for 2 hours online. If you are interested, please complete the details below and press SUBMIT at end of page. Places are limited so we might not be able to offer everyone a place. We will look after your details in accordance with our data protection policy. Enter your details First Name Last Name Postcode Email Address Which date would you like? Wednesday 20 November, 12.45 to 2.45 pm Friday 22 November, 12.45 to 2.45pm Friday 29 November, 12.45 to 2.45pm Please tell us a bit about you and your child Tick any that apply: Never applied for social care help Refused an assessment for social care My family were assessed and get support from children’s social care services My family were assessed and refused help from social care My family gets direct payments for social care services My family gets respite/short breaks My family has been refused respite /short breaks None of above Age of disabled children? 0-5 6-13 14-18 19+ Please select your child’s primary diagnosis or condition (or tick undiagnosed if you are awaiting diagnosis) Please select ADHD Autistic Spectrum Condition Cerebral palsy Down’s syndrome Hearing impairment Heart condition Hemiplegia Learning disability Multisensory impairment (both visually and hearing impaired) Physical disability Rare condition Speech, language or communication difficulties Social, emotional or mental health difficulties Undiagnosed Visual impairment Other Prefer not to say Your ethnicity: Please select Asian / Asian UK: Bangladeshi Asian / Asian UK: Chinese Asian / Asian UK: Indian Asian / Asian UK: Pakistani Asian / Asian UK: Any other Asian background Black / African / Caribbean / Black UK: African Black / African / Caribbean / Black UK: Caribbean Black / African / Caribbean / Black UK: Other background Mixed / multiple ethnicity: White & Asian Mixed / multiple ethnicity: White & Black African Mixed / multiple ethnicity: White & Black Caribbean Mixed / multiple ethnicity: Any other origin White: English / Scottish / Welsh / Northern Irish / UK White: Irish White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller White: Any other White background Other ethnic group: Arab Any Other Origin Prefer not to answer SUBMIT